Statue Of Liberty & Ellis Island
Make an important site even better with a private guide
The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island are a combined visit. Make it more special with a private guide.
Each Guide is Unique
Every guide has something that makes these islands special to them. Learn more about them below. You will have a chance to book a specific guide or by time.
Cherie Davis
Title: Abolition and the Statue of Liberty and The Immigrant Experience at Ellis Island.
Description: Your guide will tell you the story behind the Statue of Liberty, make sure you get some great photos, and take you to Ellis Island to tell you about the immigrant processing experience.
Tour Duration: 3 hours
Cost: $150/person, 2 person minimum, 12 guests maximum
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Christian Neely
Title: The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island: Stories of Hope and Determination
Description: Discover the surprising history behind the beacon of hope that is the Statue of Liberty and the often-difficult story of how the ancestors of over 40% of today’s citizens of the United States crossed the ocean to build the city and country we know today.
Tour Duration: 4 hours
Cost: $150/person, 2 guest minimum, 12 guest maximum
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Rob Cardazone
Title: The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island
Description: You’ve heard that the Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France to the people of America? Well, guess what… It’s a lot more complicated than that!
Tour Duration: 4 hours
Cost: $150/person, 2 guest minimum, 12 guest maximum
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